Friday, January 25, 2008

What is yoga?

So what's this yoga stuff all about anyway? To put it simply, its about life. Connection. It's about living right here and right now, more connected to yourself, those around you, and the world.

The word yoga has the same root as the English word yoke, meaning to tie together, to unite. "Unite what?", a sensible person might ask. Some say the body to the mind and the soul. Others' say the individual to the universal. I say "Yes! Where do I sign on?".

But maybe you already knew that and thats why you're here. So let me go through the ritual and tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Mado and I live and teach yoga in Asheville, NC. To say that yoga is my passion would be putting it mildly. Yoga has transformed my life in many ways. I'll talk all about that ad infinitum in future posts, but for now let's just say that I am a nicer, braver, and happier person because of my practice.

I've been practicing yoga for about 10 years. From the first time I went to a class, it just felt right to me, but whoa, I had no idea just how right it was. The style of yoga that I currently practice and teach is called Anusara. Anusara means flowing with grace, and it all goes back to the connection thing. Connecting our individual lives with the universal good--we call it grace. Just to be clear about my credentials, I am an Anusara-Inspired teacher, certified by the Asheville Yoga Center and registered with the Yoga Alliance.

So that's the short version. I'll shut up for now, but come back soon for everything you ever wanted to know about yoga: poses, history, philosophy, breath work, meditation, and more.


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